Well wedding season is well under way and we have had done so many lovely weddings so far. I was very lucky to have Abbie’s wedding photo’s to share with you from her wedding last month. It was a very early start at Abbie’s house, but I managed to get everyone done in time. The atmosphere was fun with the sun shining and champagne flowing.
The makeup I used on Abbie was:
Airbase airbrush foundation
Makeup forever Ultra HD concealer in R33 and Y 33 mixed
Mac eyeshadows in Mocha, Rice paper and Makeup geek eyeshadow in Magic act.
Through brows- Zoeva brow powder.
Abbie had eyelash extensions so I just added mascara on the bottom lashes.
Cheeks were Melba by Mac
Lips were by Mac Crosswires with Stila gloss Citrene for an added sparkle. ( out of stock)
The photo’s are by ChristianMichael photography, who does not fail to deliver amazing photo’s and is a great guy to have around for the day.
Other suppliers were:
Cake- Suzi Humphries cake design
I hope you enjoy this blog. Let me know if you would like to see more of these real wedding posts.
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