Vintage fashion shoot
October 14, 2014
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Fashion Blog photoshoot


Amy Wray came to me and asked if I would do her makeup and take her photo’s for her new fashion blog on her website: Amy Wray. I love taking photo’s of faces as I know what looks attractive attractive, but when it comes to the body its very different. Amy had a selection of clothing, which we chose different locations around Falmouth to shoot. We were lucky to have good weather for November so we could shoot all day.  We had Louise Able helping us on the shoot and taking pics of me working.

Check out Amy’s blog for the photo’s, but here is a preview:

Sally-orchard-makeup-artist Sally-Orchard-Orchard-makeup-studio sunglasses-portrait-photography smokey-eyes-makeup-Orchard Natural-makeup-brunette-Orchard Fashion-makeup-photography Christmas-makeup-party-look

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